Celebration of Collaboration
World Creativity and Innovation Week (wciw.org) is an annual United Nations event celebrating the use of creativity and innovation to solve problems. It takes place between April 15 and 21.
The theme of the 2022 international event is Collaboration.
Next Generation Divorce along with the International Academy of Collaborative Professionals and the Florida Academy of Collaborative Professionals are participating in the celebration of collaboration encompassed within World Creativity and Innovation Week. The collective goal is to raise international awareness about the power of Collaborative Divorce and Collaborative Process for all conflicts.
Observed six days after Leonardo da Vinci’s birthday and one day before International Mother Earth Day, World Creativity & Innovation Day (#WCID) is well positioned to encourage creative multidisciplinary thinking to help us achieve the sustainable future we want.
- Start: 20 April 2022
- End: 20 April 2022
- Attendance:
- Location: N/A , , United States