Creative Cities Event Series
Creativity and innovation are among the driving forces reshaping cities worldwide. With COVID-19 pandemic, the world is rethinking the concept of our cities, neighborhoods and communities more than ever. Creative industries, and the shaping of urban spaces with creative assets, are among the catalyzing agents of newly adopted ways or reimagining cities. With the appropriate enabling environment, these approaches can help build creative cities that become the economic and social growth engines of the future – providing a new source of city competitiveness by accessing opportunities of the intangible economy in an integrated manner with urban transformation. As part of our new urban development, The World Bank Tokyo Development Learning Center (TDLC) is exploring the new concept of creative cities.
TDLC is organizing a Creative Cities Event Series to be held from September 2021 to April 2022. The event series will coincide with, and build upon, the launch of the two reports that have been published by the World Bank in summer, 2021: “Cities, Culture, Creativity : Leveraging Culture and Creativity for Sustainable Urban Development and Inclusive Growth” published by the World Bank in cooperation with UNESCO; and “Kyoto: A Creative City – Leveraging creativity for city competitiveness and inclusive urban development”, a case study published by the Tokyo Development Learning Center (TDLC) that unpacks the story of two distinct Kyoto neighborhoods, each with its distinct character and narrative. This event will explore the role of creative spaces in urban transformation and increased economic activity.
This event series aims to attract wide audience from World Bank colleagues to Japanese city practitioners and creative talents, and to serve as an open platform for discussing the potential for creativity to impact the economy, urban spatial transformation, and inclusiveness. It will also provide an opportunity for participants to learn from Japanese and international experiences on how different forms of creativity have unleashed a city’s potential, what are the factors that made it possible, and how this can be applied to other cities.
- Start: 21 September 2021
- End: 21 April 2022
- Attendance:
- Location: N/A , , Japan