This year, the Czech Republic will participate in World Creativity & Innovation Day (15-21 April), which focuses for the first time on education. The principles and impacts of creative education will be shared with the public through expert conferences, round tables, workshops, happenings in public spaces and social media campaigns organised by uMĚNÍM – Platform for Creative Learning in cooperation with the Prague Innovation Institute, Association for Creativity in Education, Creative Prague, Creative Czechia and other partners. It will also highlight the important role the creative industries can play in the context of the current crisis situation in Ukraine. In the Czech Republic, the event will be titled World Creativity Week in Education.

Creativity is among the most important skills for today’s world and a key skill for the future, helping us to resolve both everyday problems and global societal challenges. During the World Creativity and Innovation Week we aim to show the many maybe surprising situations and professions where creativity is vital, but share the stories of people who change the world around us through creative thinking.

Czech education is facing an unexpected challenge: the integration of tens of thousands of children who have fled the war in Ukraine. Years of international research in schools have clearly shown us that creative education is closely linked to achieveming the basic social goals we expect from education, such as social and emotional development, civic engagement, equal opportunities and, not least, academic achievement.

Creative education is a proven, effective tool for integration of pupils who might otherwise struggle to shine in the classroom. It emphasizes collaboration and accepts differences by working with the emotions and developing empathy. It supports diverse means of expression through the arts and can therefore be a tool for preventing post-traumatic syndromes, aggression and conflict.

Prague Innovation Institute

19.4. Talent development of children /Workshop /
20.4. 1PM – 4PM The development of creativity /Workshop for teachers and pupils of primary and secondary schools/

20.4. 5PM Prague Innovation Mixxer: Innovations in education

21.4. 1PM Creativity and Innovation in Education / conferences for the professional public /

Association for Creativity in Education

20.4. 1PM – 4PM Child Friendly City/ Workshop for teachers within the educational cycle “Creative Education” for IKAP II./

20.4.11AM – 6PM Site specific intervention, based on children’s reflection and voice on the topics of the future, social justice and civic engagement

Creative Prague

19.4. 2PM – 5PM Prague Cultural Forum (panel: HUMAN CAPITAL)

20.4. 9AM – 5PM Prague Cultural Forum ( panels: INFRASTRUCTURE and FESTIVALS)

21.4. 9AM – 2PM European Creative Industries Summit (General Assembly through Zoom)

uMĚNÍM – Platform for Creative Learning, Creative Czechia

21.4. 2.30 PM – 4 PM Creative Learning and the National Recovery Plan / Round Table /

  • Start: 19 April 2022
  • End: 21 April 2022
  • Attendance:
  • Location: N/A , , Czechia
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