Modelling Solutions to End Plastic Pollution: Driving Systems Change Across the Plastic Life Cycle

The webinar, hosted by UNEP, with guest speakers Yonathan Shiran (SYSTEMIQ) and Steve Fletcher (University of Portsmouth) will share an overview of the methodology and key findings from recent research on plastics policy. You will get the chance to ask questions, share your thoughts and contribute critical information to help guide modelling efforts to assess the potential impact of different solutions across the plastic life cycle

This session will:

– Share the methodology and assumptions behind recent modelling of the global plastic pollution challenge.

– Explain how modelling can support the identification of potential solutions to address plastic pollution.

– Provide an opportunity to get stakeholder feedback on the methodology and assumptions for incorporation in a future model.

– Discuss what additional information is needed to design a model to usefully inform future efforts to address plastic pollution.

– Outline next steps in the development of the model and UNEP Spotlight Publication on Solutions to End Plastic Pollution

  • Start: 31 March 2022
  • End: 31 March 2022
  • Attendance:
  • Location: N/A , , France
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