20th anniversary celebrating the inspirations and creativity

Hello creative people

This group is celebrating…! This is our 20th anniversary celebrating the inspirations and creativity of thousands of people as well as ours; continuously developing novelties and encouraging new creations!!!


The proposed motto at global level is INSPIRATION.

A spark that ignites passion, dreams and moves to action. A force capable of Connecting – Collaborating – Listening – Moving – Building – Improving processes and systems, etc.

Think and propose new ideas and much more…

Since the beginning in 2003, we take part in the International Creativity and Innovation Day Celebration and invite you to come up with ideas, projects, works in different languages and shapes, resulting in multiple inspiring expressions of a myriad of participants, whose talent and initiative generates or modifies realities in a variety of fields.

Creativity in Community gives rise to empowerment of the individualwhich is reinforced when groups are able to project multiple strategies,creating synergy, spreading news and communicating enthusiasm.

The creative formula for good results is always constant… observation, INSPIRATION and work. However, one must not put aside resistance to frustration. Our expectations may take time to surface.

These latent stages are part of the development and when the goal is achieved , we may not even recall when and how we asked for it. But it does, perseverance !!!

Fantasy and reality can be great friends, although.There is no adventure without risk, if you wish to learn to swim you have to get into the water.

Let’s remember Picasso’s famous phrase on this…Inspiration exists, but it has to find me working.

The alignment between feeling and thinking is essential for that much-sought after realization. The encounter with the deepest creative aspect shapes the projects with joy, creation’s perfect spice, with th trust that the enjoyment of what is real provides.

In whatever art language, perseverance will ensure the gaze becomes still to behold the inner reality… Then understand its meaning, this may not be exclusive, and others may not agree with the artist. Free interpretation is a game of intelligence that projects what it wants to find.

We invite you to participate in CREATIVITY 2023, letting inspiration guide you to make a contribution, proposing something new for the year that we begin, with strength, hope making way for something good to happen, a delight, an improvement or a greater knowledge for society.

The invitation is addressed both to artists, in all disciplines, and to those who dedicate themselves to science, the world of work, communication, health, etc.

The way in which it is presented is, as always, as original or diverse as each one feels and wants to disseminate it.



Send the material with text and/or image/article, activity or proposal (max. 300 words), individual or collective, which will be published on our blog to be disseminated throughout the world, celebrating the World Creativity and Innovation Week

Videos should be on YouTube platform.

Send the material to:

[email protected]

Between March 10 and April 10, 2023
Published in



All activities are with free participation

– April 21 – International Day of Creativity and Innovation.

4 to 6 pm- REGINA PACIS – Higher School of Fine Arts

May 25, 327 – San Isidro

Sample and activities to be defined

– April 21 – 7 pm – Fascinating Bolero de Ravel

Presents the musicologist Mario MELENDI –

San Isidro Bar Association Auditorium

Acassuso 424 – San Isidro – 7 pm

– April 22 – 5:00 p.m.- Opening of the exhibition – San Isidro Creativo Group Show of Artists

Art Space – RETHINKING San Isidro

Belgrano 278 – 1st floor. San Isidro
– May 4 – 7 pm – Opening of the exhibition – Inspirations 2023

Group Show of Artists

Radical House of Vte. Lopez

R. Gutierrez 1372 . vte. Lopez


Alejandra Benitez – Beatriz Finocchietti – Maria Leone – Gabriela Giurlani – Margit Ljosaa – Ines Rey

  • Start: 21 April 2023
  • End: 31 May 2023
  • Attendance: Hybrid
  • Location: N/A , , Argentina
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