Creativity at DAIS!

At Dalian American International School, at China, we recognize ourselves as a Creative community and encourage our students to be creative and responsible global citizens. This year we want to celebrate Creativity as an event where students and parents will be involved in diverse activities focusing on Creativity.
Along the day, with the collaboration of IKEA, we will host challenging activities for our students and presentations for parents, sharing with the community the importance of Creativity within Education and as important skill in our lives.
This celebration is organized by the Art Department in our school. Along the year, as preparation, our students were taught to recognize themselves as creative individuals, with the power to produce new knowledge and becoming the builders of a new society, with a growth mindset. curiosity and empathy. We are ready for our celebration!

  • Start: 21 April 2023
  • End: 21 April 2023
  • Attendance: In Person
  • Location: N/A , , China
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