Creativity Hub

My Celebration was to bring awareness of how to Discover and Sustain Creativity. It was a virtual event and was well attended.
How can you discover Creativity?
Recognize where you lose time.

What can you do for hours?

What do you like thinking about?
What brings you joy?

What comes easily to you and feels effortless?
We are all creative. All We all need to do is to Recognize how we are Creative and put effort into developing our natural gifts and talents.
How to Sustain Creativity
*Change your daily routine and look at the world through fresh eyes.
*Document everything, take pictures, collect things and keep memories.
*Be resourceful
*Keep your phone at arm’s length
give yourself deadlines: forget what you have done in the past.
*Say ‘yes’ more than ‘no’: always put up more of a positive attitude than a negative.
*Build your creative network

*Always remember that conformity is the enemy of creativity

  • Start: 21 April 2022
  • End: 21 April 2022
  • Attendance:
  • Location: N/A , , Nigeria
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