Dr. Friedman – Are You Creative?

REFLECTIONS ON CREATIVITY: ARE YOU CREATIVE? BY JIM FRIEDMAN, Ph.D. Cr.D. Ask people if they’re creative and many are uncomfortable answering with a resounding “yes.” Part of the hesitation is that creativity has always been synonymous with art-making. You were creative if you could paint, write, draw, sing, dance. My definition of creativity is more simple: “finding second right answers.” If you accept my definition, then in business and in life we are required to be creative all the time. All of us who lead a team, support someone, write e-mails, communicate with others – which is all of us – we are required to be creative. Creating is not what I do, it is who I am. The question I hear most often from students and professionals is: “Can you really teach creativity?” The short answer is yes… at least, that’s what I have convinced Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, of. I have the greatest job in the world. I teach creativity in the Farmer School of Business. It’s kind of like kindergarten for college students. It’s fun. It’s also serious business. There is an “awakening” during each semester that is a wonder to behold. Students recognize, embrace and grow their creative mindsets, toolsets and skillsets. We are all born creative. It’s true. What is also true is that creativity has been taught, scared and trained out of us. It happens gradually but relentlessly. Think about it – the voices of judgment from parents and teachers and friends and strangers. It’s been part of your daily encounters since you could remember. “No.” “Stop.” “Don’t touch that.” “Get your feet off the furniture.” “Use your inside voice.” “You’re not going out dressed like that.” “You’re not going to go out with him.” “That’s not how we do that here.” “That will take too much time…money…effort.” “That’s stupid.” All of those external voices of judgment become our internal voice of judgment. Our VOJ. That cacophony of confidence-killing comments destroys our creative confidence. I begin each semester helping my students recognize and silence their VOJs. In addition to my very cool teaching creativity life, I am now the Chief Steward for World Creativity and Innovation Day/Week. I am so honored that Marci Segal passed the reigns to me. Marci birthed this. It was her creative labor of love. I feel blessed to be learning and growing and encouraging creatives around the world from Nigeria to the Netherlands, from Colombia to Canada, from India to Indiana. I am thrilled to learn and grow and create every day. So, what’s your answer? It is an easy question. Are you creative? No matter which way you answer, you are right. The harder questions to answer include: Are you prepared to ignite the fire in your life, in everything you do? Are you seeking and empowering everyone around you to ignite their creative fire? Join me. Join the world. Join the Center for Creative Solutions in northwest Indiana. Live your best creative life. #IamCreative Dr. Jim Friedman is the White Family Professor of Creativity and Entrepreneurship at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio, a creativity/innovation consultant and coach for companies and individuals across the country, creator of television shows and movies, winner of 65 Emmy Awards, an inductee of three Halls of Fame, owner of multiple patents, author, songwriter and performer, and danced the hokey pokey at age three on the Uncle Al Show. Besides wordsmithing, he enjoys asking questions, finding second right answers, silencing his voice of judgment, taking risks and failing often and well. This article is part of a series, “Reflections on Creativity,” sponsored by the Center for Creative Solutions, celebrating April’s World Creativity and Innovation Week.

  • Start: 15 April 2020
  • End: 15 April 2020
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  • Location: N/A , , United States
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