
The Leadership & Innovation Student Association at Daemen University is hosting a series of events, in celebration of
World Creativity & Innovation Week!


April 17: What is Creativity? What Does it Mean to You?
Explore this and Contribute to #DaemenCreativity!

April 18: Creativity & Innovation In Action!
Learn from Community Leaders:
WNYHeroes, Inc, FeedMore WNY, Junior League of Buffalo, and the Summit Center!

April 19: Celebrate Your Creativity!
Ignite and Unleash your Creativity with Students of Visual Arts!

April 20:
We InspireCreativity at #Daemen
How Might We Inspire Others?

For More Information on our #WCIW Events: https://www.facebook.com/DaemenLeadershipStudentAssociation/
These events would not be possible without the wonderful faculty and staff of the Leadership & Innovation Graduate Program at Daemen University. This Graduate Program develops creative leaders who are grounded in leadership theory, innovation, and change theory, and have the capacity to translate theory into practice; the program attracts leaders interested in developing an increased capacity to lead in all stages of their careers. Leaders grow and they acquire an accurate sense of themselves; they understand what it means to creatively lead within a team and within various organizational contexts.
Leadership & Innovation Graduate Program at Daemen University:

We would also like to thank the Figure Drawing Club and students of the Visual and Performing Arts Program, at Daemen University for collaborating on these WCIW events.

Figure Drawing Club:

Visual and Performing Arts Program:

For More Information on the Nonprofit Organizations Featured at our WCIW Events:

The mission of WNYHeroes is to provide veterans, members of the armed services, and the widows and children of deceased veterans with access to essential services, financial assistance, and resources that support their lives and sustain their dignity.
FeedMore WNY: https://www.feedmorewny.org/
FeedMore WNY’s mission is to offer dignity, hope, and a brighter future by providing nutritious food, friendship, and skills training to our Western New York neighbors in need.
Junior League of Buffalo: https://buffalo.jl.org/
The Junior League of Buffalo is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women, and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.
The Summit Center: https://www.thesummitcenter.org/
Guided by evidence-based practice, we maximize life success for people facing developmental, social, and behavioral challenges.
#IAmCreative #LeadershipAndInnovation #3EyesOpenLeadership #CreativeLeadership #DaemenCreativity #WNYHeroes #FeedMoreWNY #TheSummitCenter #InspireCreativity #JuniorLeagueofBuffalo #DaemenUniversity #Leadership #Creativity

  • Start: 17 April 2023
  • End: 20 April 2023
  • Attendance: In Person
  • Location: N/A , , United States
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