Imaginimal Imagine + Animal

Our goal is to spread the importance of World Creativity and Innovation day. Providing schools with a fun activity to exercise student’s creative minds. We want to share the students’ work with a nursing home to pass along the creativity but more important bring smiles to impact as well.
Our purpose is to encourage students to be more creative, to think about things differently, and to show them that having fun can actually promote creativity within themselves. As we’ve learned, as we grow older, we lose our creative spark, so it is important for everyone to showcase their true talents. Each student will have the opportunity to participate in an activity designed to enhance their creative skills. With this, we hope to create a booklet filled with the kids’ drawings and positive messages to present to our class as well as donate to a nursing home of our choice. We want to observe how different environments change kids’ levels of creativity.

We hope to have the students first in the classroom do a drawing of an animal of their choosing with just a pencil and paper . We then hope to take them outside to the outdoor classroom where we will have colored paper, pens, crayons, markers, etc to draw and create an imaginary animal of their own. Then we want to see how they felt inside vs being outside along with the restrictions made to enhance their creativity.

  • Start: 18 April 2023
  • End: 18 April 2023
  • Attendance: In Person
  • Location: N/A , , United States
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