International Conference on Computational Creativity
International Computational Creativity is the premier interdisciplinary forum for the presentation of new advances and research
results in the fields of Educational and Pedagogical Sciences.
Today more than ever before it is extremely important to stay abreast of the changing landscapes of the Educational and Pedagogical
Sciences world. The multidisciplinary focus of this event aims to bring together presenters and attendees from different fields with
expertise in various areas of Educational and Pedagogical Sciences, providing an excellent opportunity to participate in the international
exchange of ideas, current strategies, concepts and best practices, collaborations, and cooperation, offering a broader perspective and
more enriching experience.
The program includes time allocated for networking, peer-to-peer discussions, and exploring the host city.
We invite the participation of leading academic scientists, researchers and scholars in the domain of interest from around the world to
submit original research contributions relating to all aspects of:
Computational paradigms for understanding creativity, including
heuristic search, analogical and meta-level reasoning, and rerepresentation;
Metrics, frameworks and formalizations for the evaluation of
creativity in computational systems;
Perspectives on computational creativity, including philosophy,
models of cognition and human behavior, and intelligent
Development and assessment of computational creativitysupport tools;
Creativity-oriented computing in learning, teaching, and other
aspects of education;
Innovation, improvisation and related pursuits investigating the
production of novel experiences and artifacts within a
computational framework;
Computational accounts of factors that enhance creativity,
including emotion, surprise (unexpectedness), conflict, diversity,
motivation, knowledge, intuition, reward structures, and
technologies (e.g. modeling, simulation, human-in-the-loop,
human/machine collaboration, etc.);
Computational models of social aspects of creativity, including
the relationship between individual and social creativity, diffusion
of ideas, collaboration and creativity, formation of creative teams,and creativity in social settings (e.g. modeling, simulation,
human-in-the-loop, human/machine collaboration, etc.);
Specific computational applications that address creativity in
music, language, narrative, poetry, the arts, architecture,
entertainment, mathematical and scientific discovery,
programming and/or design;
Detailed system descriptions of creative systems, including
engineering difficulties faced, example sessions and artifacts
produced, and applications of the system;
Domain-specific vs. generalized creativity – does the domain of
study affect (the perception of) creativity? Are there general,
(computational) creative principles that can be applied across
- Start: 20 September 2023
- End: 21 September 2023
- Attendance:
- Location: N/A , , France