About Conference
The Libyan Authority for Scientific Research is organized the International Conference of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology ICEEIT 2023, Benghazi, Libya., alongside with The Faculty of Engineering and the Faculty of Information Technology at the University of Benghazi, the Faculty of Information Technology at the Libyan International Medical University, the College of Electrical and Electronics Technology and the Tatweer Research.
Many of well-established institutions and companies in Libya have taken initiative to support and sponsor ICEEIT 2023, to unify the electrical, electronics, communications and information technology scientific and professional efforts for all Libyan regions.
For that, all parties have established ICEEIT 2023 to provide a unique forum to discuss state of the art findings to overcome related problems that face Libya and the rest of the world, and further develop these sectors in Libya. Moreover, ICEEIT 2023 will gather researchers to share their visions and ideas, obtain updates on the latest advances, and most importantly expand professional and social networking that contribute to the development of the scientific research environment..
The ICEEIT 2023 will be held in the University of Benghazi – the main conference halls of the medical faculties, where was founded in Benghazi by royal decree in 1955 as the oldest university in Libya “the University of Libya”.
Benghazi is the second largest city in Libya that widely known friendly city as a hub for education, innovation, research and one of the cultural centers of Libya, and it has many theaters and Dar Al-Kutub National Library.
Increase the communication between educational and research institutions and their surroundings from experts in various international bodies.
Obtain ideas and proposals on scientific and practical methods to push the electricity and information technology sectors and ensure that they keep up with what is new.
Review the new in the field of renewable energy research and applications and raise environmental awareness among the members of society and highlight the opportunities for the optimal utilization of renewable energies and their sources in Libya and invest in and ensure sustainable development.
Encourage and motivate researchers and postgraduate students in universities and research centers in Libya to draw more attention and research in the field of electrical energy and information technology.
Highlighting the positive side of the country of Libya and the city of Benghazi and show its educational and research institutions in the appearance of recovery after the challenges and the destruction of many of its facilities and infrastructure.
Helping the executive authorities to choose between alternatives and prioritize the reconstruction and rehabilitation of the infrastructure of electrical energy and information technology.
Helping the executive authorities to ensure and adjust the standards and specifications of the quality of implementation.

  • Start: 12 August 2023
  • End: 14 August 2023
  • Attendance: In Person
  • Location: N/A , , Libya
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