Torrance Center e ISMAT em processos criativos no Algarve e Alentejo

Good practices sharing among about 100 participants involved in the Program CriAtividade®: Problem Solvers em Ação (CriAtividade®: Problem Solvers in Action Program).

The CriAtividade®: Problem Solvers em Ação lasts for at least one year and it’s main goal is to prepare the youngsters to face personal and professional challenges, using creativity. This Program is adapted to include youngster from 15 years old to adults.

These adult participants, related with Education, were involved in learning strategies and creative processes. With our partners Equipa Pedagógica do ISMAT (Pedagogical Team from ISMAT), the participants identified a problem related with the Sustainable Development Goals and, now, they develop an innovative solution that they will present to the group and, later, in a National Presentation.

  • Start: 21 April 2021
  • End: 21 April 2021
  • Attendance:
  • Location: N/A , , Portugal
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