Using Collaboration in Every Day Life

We will have a panel discussion about using collaboration to help others resolve their differences. Professor Jim Friedman, PhD, who is the Chief Steward for World Creativity and Innovation Week/Day, will talk about collaboration from the perspective of the United Nations. Bob Merlin will speak about using the formal Collaborative Process to help families resolve their differences and about using the Process to help parties resolve other disputes that may be litigated. Javier Bikandi, Director of Citizen Services and Digital Services of the Basque Country, will talk about using collaboration in governmental agencies. Participants will be urged to join breakout rooms to discuss collaboration from their perspective. Our program will be moderated by Holly Haggerty, a World Creativity and Innovation Week/Day Advisory Board Member.

  • Start: 21 April 2022
  • End: 21 April 2022
  • Attendance:
  • Location: N/A , , United States
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