We Are The Future Designers

A future designer shapes the FUTURE, that is, creates what could be. To be a future designer you need to have courage, curiosity, and willpower: courage to dare to dream, curiosity to think in new directions and willingness to solve problems. Being the one who designs the future is no easy task, but it is fun and awesome!

Through visioning labs that includes creativity, innovation and co-creative processes, youths around Finland reflect on the SDGs. The visioning lab is a positive and creative way of dealing with sustainability issues. The co-creative process provides opportunities for reflection, active participation and training in problem-solving methods.

The harvest of participating schools’ visioning labs will be presented at the World Creativity and Innovation Day April 21 at a joint digital exhibition on instagram. We welcome everyone to the exhibition!

Skörden av deltagande skolors visioneringslab presenteras på Världsdagen för kreativitet och innovation 21 april 2022
på en gemensam digital utställning på instagram. Välkomna på utställning!

  • Start: 21 April 2022
  • End: 21 April 2022
  • Attendance:
  • Location: N/A , , Finland
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