WITHInspiration Creativity Cards, Co-Created With People With Disabilities

Join us Thursday, April 21, at 12pm EST to discover People Minded Business Inc. (PMB)’s WITHInspiration photo cards through an interactive and fun demonstration. WITHInspiration cards are part of PMB’s countless ideation tools to spark new ideas and create positive change, because the more ideas, the better!

As a boutique consultancy firm in the human and health sector in Canada, ‘Picture This’ is a much-loved ideation tool PMB uses – it involves looking at fascinating photos to get your brain thinking in new ways to solve a challenge. In the spirit of creating opportunities for people with a disability to share their talents with the broader community and influence positive change in the supports they receive and in the human service, PMB co-created a deck of 52 WITHInspiration photos. This deck showcases the artistic talent of photographers who have a disability, who are paid for their artwork and will receive a portion of the sales for each card deck sold. Take a look at the gallery of photos and order your own deck here: https://peoplemindedbusiness.com/withinspiration-photos/

We look forward to sharing the many ways you can use this creative tool within your organization and widely!
Register in advance for our demonstration here: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwtfuCpqjMoE9Yx-BDfFo8A7pjGqTeWVKGc

  • Start: 21 April 2022
  • End: 21 April 2022
  • Attendance:
  • Location: N/A , , Canada
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