World Day for Creativity and Innovation in Sports

Organization and management of the Conference, which is made up of 6 face-to-face and online activities: 1. Virtual Camino de Santiago, 2. Esports competitions (League of Legend, FIFA 21, Brawl Stars), 3. Virtual race “covid free”, 4webinar : “Success stories of creative and innovative graduates in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences”, 5. Virtual sports competitions, 6. Creative covid free flashmob.

The objective is to promote the multidisciplinary creative thinking of the students of the last year of the degree in Physical Activity and Sports Sciences as organizers of the event. It also improves the employability of students for an adequate job transition, through the identification and development of transversal skills with the use of technological tools and gamification strategies.
Twitter: @empleasport

  • Start: 21 April 2021
  • End: 21 April 2021
  • Attendance:
  • Location: N/A , , Albania
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