Integrated studies
1. Sit children in circle with pics in the middle.
2. Children stand up and look at all pics (5mins)
3. Each child must choose a pic. If someone else takes one they like, they must just choose another.
4. Now go around circle asking children one at a time, why they choose their pic and what do they see in the pic.
5. Do they think any of the pics relate to each other?
6. Put children in groups (3 or 4) with their own pics.
7. They are now going to look at their pics and must answer the question starters.
Each child must complete a question starter. (10 mins)
After 10 mins, one child will present to the class.
8. Show video
1st time to watch
2nd time to do time line. Pause where children should have pic to put on board. Children complete timeline diagram in integrated studies book.
- Start: 19 April 2023
- End: 21 April 2023
- Attendance:
- Location: N/A , , South Africa