World Creativity & Innovation Week

colorful fireworks on dark background

World Creativity & Innovation Week is a worldwide community dedicated to celebrating all forms of creativity.

Creativity is what makes the world go ’round. And don’t just take our word for it—look around you: Everything around you is a product of creative minds thinking differently, challenging the norm, taking risks and learning from trial and error. Everything you do can be a creative act. 
World Creativity & Innovation

What is creativity?

Creativity is a mindset, a skill set, and a tool set. It’s a framework for approaching problems. It involves brainstorming a lot of ideas, seeking novelty, deferring judgment, and building off the ideas of others.

When it comes down to it, creativity is about going beyond just your first right answer and discovering the second, third, or 124th.

blue fireworks on dark background

Why is creativity important?

Practicing creativity will bring creative confidence, and with creative confidence will come your ability to look at problems as opportunities. You will find new solutions to personal opportunities and change your life. You will find creative solutions to community opportunities and change your world. You will discover new connections to improve the world for all of us.

red fireworks on dark background

Celebrate your creativity every day!

We inspire and enable people around the world to celebrate creativity in their own way, and share it with others through our international community and brand presence.

WCIW Is Driven by Our Shared Values

hands in a circle


We get by with a little help from our friends (we know how important collaboration is to creativity). We love the process, and inviting others into it is part of what makes it so fun.


Our empathy opens our hearts to deeper, more meaningful connections – it is our humanity. Our curiosity for the world around us opens our minds to greater insight.
lightning bolt


We welcome and appreciate our differences because they add depth to collective creativity. Our goal is to cultivate creative confidence in others through empowerment.
hands with people


We want to foster the next generation of creative leaders and thinkers that are going to be the key drivers of positive change in the world. We value learning through failure.

WCI Annual Reports

Our Impact

We seek to inspire and enable others to live a more creative life​.

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