Using Lego Serious Play to engage with and celebrate creativity and innovation and explore opportunities for organisations and teams.
– SDG 3: Working with an EAP (Employee Assistance Program) provider to raise awareness about Mental Health and provide employees from diverse public and private sector organisations with tool and tips for Resilience, Good Health and Well-being.
– SDG 3: Training of Guards and Train Drivers from Transport for NSW (TfNSW) to buddy peers returning to work after being impacted by a Critical Incident
– SDG 4: Working with students at The University of Technology Sydney in the award winning BCII (Bachelor of Creative intelligence and Innovation) to harness diversity, view issues through multidisciplinary lenses, have equal voice and find solutions to real environmental and social issues in an innovative and creative way through Lego Serious Play.
– SDG 5: Creating equality and breaking down silos by giving participants equal voice (gender, generational, role) in identifying and addressing systemic issues and creatively and collaboratively exploring opportunities for improvement
– SDG 8 & 9: working with organisations and teams to identify and address Strategic, Operations and interpersonal Issues using innovative methodologies such as Creative Problem Solving (CPS) and Lego Serious Play (LSP)
Contact: [email protected]
- Start: 16 April 2021
- End: 20 April 2021
- Attendance:
- Location: N/A , , Australia