Divorce Options(R)
Most people dread the hostility of a divorce. Come observe our video presentation sharing the options for divorce in California so you can see the innovative approaches we take to educating the public about their divorce process choices. It’s possible to divorce with respect and dignity! In this class, we show families how to make educated decisions about this transition. The free, live online class will take place via Zoom on Saturday April 16 at 10 am PST: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89486986466?pwd=cUEyRk9BOERmbUE5TjBDQlNoY3lidz09 (Meeting ID: 894 8698 6466
Passcode: 810232). Whether you are a professional or a person who is on the cusp of divorce, come join us as we share the collective wisdom of attorneys, financial professionals and counselors about the choices couples can make to divorce wisely. The laws we will discuss will be about California only, but the processes we’ll share are available world-wide.
- Start: 16 April 2022
- End: 16 April 2022
- Attendance:
- Location: N/A , , United States