Student Juried Show Case of Poetry
Poets, get your creative pens and thinking caps out! You are invited to join this year’s 6th annual “Student Juried Show Case of Poetry” during World Creativity and Innovation Week, April 18-24, 2022.
The Center for Creative Solutions invites poets from grades 1-12 to share their inspiring words with other young people in northwest Indiana. A panel of experts will evaluate submitted works, choose the most creative poems, and name 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place honors in each grade level.
The Center is hosting a live celebration of poetry at The Nest, 803 Franklin Street in Michigan City on Saturday, April 23. There, winners will publicly share their creations with other contestants.
In addition, winning poets will read their works on the air at Michigan City’s WIMS Radio. Top poems will be published in The Beacher, Michigan City’s weekly newspaper. Each student will receive a booklet, featuring all submitted poems to share with family and friends.
As with last year, the Center is asking adults to submit poems as well. Their creative works will be judged separately and given an opportunity to present on the radio and printed page.
The contest organizers suggest that young poets reflect on:
• What do you imagine is up in the clouds?
• How might you travel there?
• Describe a moonlight walk; what might you see, hear or feel?
• You find a hidden box, what does it contain? A portal? • Wild weather, where are you? Are you inside or outside?
• Riding the bus, what do you see or feel? Where are you going?
• Something you anticipate, what does it feel like?
• What do goodbyes and hellos feel like?
For adults, the organizers suggest a theme of courage, change or new perspectives.
The Center encourages poets to make their poem humorous or thoughtful, fantastical or serious. Poems can be of any length, in any form, narrative, dramatic and lyrical from Haiku to epic. Songwriters are invited to submit their lyrics as poetry as well.
Poems must be submitted by midnight, Thursday, March 31, 2022.
E-mail your entry to Include your full name/school/teacher’s name/grade level/age (this information will not be shared with the judges). Winners will be notified in advance of April 18.
Sponsors for the contest as well as for World Creativity and Innovation Week are WIMS Radio, Society of Innovators at Purdue Northwest, “Arts on the Air” program on Southshore Public Radio, the Society of Innovators at Purdue Northwest and the Center for Creative Solutions, Inc., a non-profit organization devoted to encouraging an innovative culture in northwest Indiana.
- Start: 23 April 2022
- End: 23 April 2022
- Attendance:
- Location: N/A , , United States