Tell YOUR STORY for an Upcoming Book: Teaching in a Pandemic: Creative Thinking in Action

What’s YOUR story?

A little over a year ago, our lives were thrown into a state of ambiguity and disruption over an unknown virus. Educators worldwide had to pivot their teaching methods, often overnight, with very little support and warning. Despite these limitations, our nations’ teachers invented clever ways to keep their students engaged and work around the many constraints. Teachers and students had to look at things from multiple perspectives, shift into wildly ambiguous situations, and embrace challenges in ways they never have before.

For these reasons, next month, as a part of World Creativity and Innovation Week, we will be collecting short stories (750-1500 words) from teachers around the world who have used creative thinking skills to overcome the challenges they faced during this pandemic. These can be small or large acts of creative thinking, such as designing an outdoor Halloween parade to revamping an entire curriculum to meet the needs of 3-year-olds. We want to celebrate YOU, the creative educator, and the work you have done over the last year. All submissions will receive a free pass toward one of our 90-minute public workshops.

We will select the top stories for an edited collection to be published by 2022. If you know of an educator who developed a creative solution, please share the link to the form and encourage them to submit it! Join us as we work together to make a difference in the exciting world of creativity and education!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us!

Dr. Cyndi Burnett and Ismet Mamnoon

[email protected]

[email protected]

  • Start: 30 March 2021
  • End: 30 June 2021
  • Attendance:
  • Location: N/A , , United States
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